Hi there

I'm DΓ©bora

yes, with the little thing on top of the β€œe”…

About me

Hey there, I’m a curious person living in Amsterdam who recentely got bitten by the Programming Bug (heey) and decided to learn front-end web development and later on full stack JavaScript. If you’d like to work together β€” let’s chat!

This programmer part of my life is just Season 3 β€” in the past two seasons I’ve built a career as a finance, HR, and admin person at Typographia & Travellers House.

The Programming Bug bit me when I realized I could automate a lot of what I was doing at my job. I started learning the basics of programming and when my Numbers sheets could no longer keep up with me I decided I wanted to learn more and tear down all the software restrictions in front of me.

Right now I'm hoping to land my first job in tech. I started this web development journey in April 2019 and haven't stopped learning and trying to get better at it ever since.

I believe that everything is figureoutable, and what I don't know today I can start learning tomorrow. I pray to the Google Gods, they've been kind.

Previously, on HBO’s β€œDeb’s Journey”ℒ:


I've completed a Front End Web Development Techdegree through Treehouse and a Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree.

I’ve been building several projects to practice my skills, some more focused on the front end aspect and others more focused on the back end. Here’s a few:

My personal website

It's the page you are looking at right now :D Built with HTML/SCSS/JS.‍

Visit the project β†’ Source code on GitHub β†’

Project Portfolio

A portfolio of projects I've completed. Built with Express.js/Pug.‍

Not live Source code on GitHub β†’

React Gallery

A gallery of searched images. Built with React/axios/flickr api.‍

Not live Source code on GitHub β†’

Book Database

Database that allows you to add, update and delete books from your library. Built with mySQL/Sequelize/Sqlite/Express/Pug

Not live Source code on GitHub β†’


An API that allows authenticated users to create, update and delete courses. Built with REST_API/mySQL/Sequelize/SQLite/Express.js

Not live Source code on GitHub β†’

Full Stack App

REST API created previously along with client side. Built with React/REST API/mySQL/Sequelize/SQLite/Express.js

Not live Source code on GitHub β†’

Employee Directory

I created an employee directory that communicated with a third-party API. Built with HTML/CSS/JQuery.‍

Visit the project β†’ Source code on GitHub β†’

WebApp Dashboard

In this project I created interactive graphics and enhanced my skills on user interactivity. Built with HTML/CSS/JS.‍

Visit the project β†’ Source code on GitHub β†’

Game Show App

This was the most fun! It's a game that consists on guessing what my favourite shows are. Give it a try! :) Built with HTML/CSS/JS.‍

Visit the project β†’ Source code on GitHub β†’

Game Show App (part 2)

Virtually the same as the previous Game Show App but with an OOP approach. Built with HTML/CSS/JS.‍

Visit the project β†’ Source code on GitHub β†’


In this project I created a form using different types of fields. Built with HTML/CSS.‍

Visit the project β†’ Source code on GitHub β†’

Form Validation (part 2)

Another take at form validation using Javascript instead of just HTML. Built with HTML/CSS/JS.‍

Visit the project β†’ Source code on GitHub β†’

Interactive Photo Gallery

This project was my first interaction with jquery and jquery plugins by creating a lightbox to display higher definition pictures. Built with HTML/CSS/JQuery.‍

Visit the project β†’ Source code on GitHub β†’

Web Style Guide

In this project I used Sass for the first time. The challenge was to match the look of the page to the mockups by altering the given classes only. Built with HTML/SCSS.‍

Visit the project β†’ Source code on GitHub β†’

Random Quotes Generator

In this project I used vanilla JS to generate random quotes about imposter syndrome. Built with HTML/CSS/JS.‍

Visit the project β†’ Source code on GitHub β†’

List Pagination and Filtering

In this project I used vanilla JS to automatically generate pagination links and filter content. Built with HTML/CSS/JS.‍

Visit the project β†’ Source code on GitHub β†’

Get in touch

I’m still pretty new to this whole tech industry, but it seems like it’s a cool one. If you’d like to get in touch, maybe we could build something cool together? Or just follow me on Twitter, so I have more reasons to actually use Twitter.